Curmudgeon’s Corner

Tell Teleflora its 2022, not 1932

What is even Wrong with LG?

Why do Biographies Always Make Me Cry?

Trash Talk

Starbucks, Your New Lids Suck

<img class="wp-block-coblocks-author__avatar-img" src="; alt="Not surprisingly, I was not a <em>60 Minutes</em> fan as a kid, but I did tune in for the last 5 minutes to catch Andy Rooney. Even if I did not share his weekly gripe, his exasperated tone gratified me. There was a fellowship between us. He Not surprisingly, I was not a <em>60 Minutes</em> fan as a kid, but I did tune in for the last 5 minutes to catch Andy Rooney. Even if I did not share his weekly gripe, his exasperated tone gratified me. There was a fellowship between us. He complained with no shame and not about monumental matters either. No, he railed against trivial annoyances that plague every day life and cause inordinate rage and frustration, even if we know they do not (at least <em>should
Not surprisingly, I was not a 60 Minutes fan as a kid, but I did tune in for the last 5 minutes to catch Andy Rooney. Even if I did not share his weekly gripe, his exasperated tone gratified me. There was a fellowship between us. He Not surprisingly, I was not a 60 Minutes fan as a kid, but I did tune in for the last 5 minutes to catch Andy Rooney. Even if I did not share his weekly gripe, his exasperated tone gratified me. There was a fellowship between us. He complained with no shame and not about monumental matters either. No, he railed against trivial annoyances that plague every day life and cause inordinate rage and frustration, even if we know they do not (at least should not) substantially impact our lives or even our day. He complained proudly, as a matter of entitlement and in a way I have not seen anyone do since his demise, save for Larry David. I am going to use this space to do the same.